Each year, WAG celebrates February as our Month of Love – a month of fun campaigns and fundraisers, all celebrating LOVE!
This year has been such a successful year for WAG, we thought we would scale back our usual activities, and just take a moment to appreciate those furry family members who make all the hard work worthwhile!
Join us on FEBRUARY 15th for some delicious Creekbread Pizza takeout!
Partial proceeds of every pizza sold will be donated to WAG that night – YUM!

Send us your pet’s best ONLINE DATING PROFILE PIC and TAGLINE and we will send some lucky entries some WAG Swag!
Snap a photo of what your pet would post as their online dating profile pic and what their tagline would be, and you could get some sweet swag in return! WAG will post the photos and pick-up lines on our social media and website. We will select some entries at random to receive some sweet swag like our 2022 WAG calendar, photo books, hoodies, and more!
Submit your photo, tagline, and pet’s name to: cmazza@whistlerwag.com. No donation is required!