If everyone could give a warm welcome to our newest Critical Care case, Scooby! Scooby came into our care after being involved in an accident with a car, unfortunately because of his injuries, it was decided that the best route for this fella was a Femoral Head Osteotomy surgery. On Tuesday, Scooby headed down to Squamish and received the best care from Dr. Lane of @
Surgery went great, and then he went off to his new foster home where he can receive the aftercare he needs and have a calm environment to recover in
Without the dedication of our Veterinary teams and foster homes, we wouldn’t be able to help those in need like Scooby, we are so grateful to have your support!
And of course without YOUR generosity and donations to our Critical Care Fund, we are always able to say ‘yes we can help!’ to the animals who need us the most! – surgery costs – medication – aftercare – and recheck appointments
