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Rocco – Adopted December 2022!


Rocco Breed: Hound X Mix Gender: Male Age: 9 years old Size: Large

Energy Level: Medium Training Goals: Basic training, settling into a new home House trained? Yes Kids? Yes, with proper supervision & separation Cats? Potentially with proper supervision & separation Dogs? Yes please! Medical Needs: Daily wound management, including cleaning and bandage changes. Awaiting next steps for his medical plans

About Me:

I am a big beautiful boy looking for my forever home! I had been bravely living with an infected mass for several months, which unfortunately has turned out to be cancerous. I love life and will cheerfully greet everyone that I meet! Scroll down to donate to Rocco’s fund, or visit our foster page to fill out a foster application! We are always searching for long term medical foster homes to help with these very special cases, or even an adopter to take over his care.

Rocco will need an adopter able to change bandages (or willing to learn), someone committed to his recovery and possible future rehab, someone who believes in him and will give him days full of fun, adventure and love, no matter what.

Please share his story or donate to his care if you are able to. He is just one of the many critical care cases we have are dealing with this summer sadly.

Without you we would not be able to try for animals like Rocco.



Rocco is still spending his days relaxing and having fun in his loving foster home with his bffs. He adores going on adventures and meeting as many other dogs and humans as possible. He has another vet vist scheduled for next week, we should have some more information to share after that. He is currently comfortable and loved, with daily bandage changes and medication ongoing. He is social and even recently attended a presentation to help secure $12,000 for WAG’s Critical Care Program through The 100 Women of Whistler’s fundraising campaign. This huge sum of money will go towards the lives of other animals in need like Rocco! We are so grateful to be a part of such a giving and compassionate community.

Scroll down to donate to Rocco’s fund and see some new pictures!


UPDATE AUGUST 10th 2022: Rocco’s histopathology results came back and we are sad to share that his hygroma is not an elbow hygroma, unfortunately the mass is cancerous; an apocrine gland adenocarcinoma. We are taking a moment to absorb this devastating news and figure out our next steps. Unfortunately surgery is not an option due to the size and location of the mass. In the meantime Rocco will have radiographs so we can see if the cancer has spread throughout his body. Rocco still requires daily bandages changes and cleaning so that the mass does not become infected again. And we are hopeful we may be able to get it to heal enough so that he doesn’t need to have it wrapped up all the time. There’s a lot of unknowns right now, but what we do know is we LOVE Rocco and are committed to making sure his days are full of love, joy and anything he wants!! Rocco is still feeling healthy and happy and enjoying life at a foster home. His favorite activities include; getting belly rubs, being cuddled on the couch, long walks in the woods, drinking cold river water and getting special frozen bones in the backyard. This news has hit us hard, thank you for supporting us and for the kind messages of hope, we see you and you make it possible for us to do the work we do.



Rocco has been receiving daily cleaning and bandage changes for a necrotic and infected elbow wound, (previously believed to be a hygroma). When he came to WAG the wound was massive and so infected our veterinarian said it was the worst she had ever seen. Because it is on his elbow, is it incredibly difficult to get the wound to heal, with the constant pressure of laying down and mobility of the joint.


We can’t deny that Rocco has a lot of obstacles in his way on his road to recovery but he still has lots of spunk left and is happiest when he is out and about walking and running around. He loves walks and is a social butterfly who loves meeting new people and dogs. He likes to howl when the train goes by and stick his cone head out of the car window. For this reason, we are trying everything we can to help get this loving boy back to his healthiest self! We are so proud of how brave Rocco has been, he’s learned to trust and now easily let’s his foster parents clean his wound and change his honey bandage daily. You can check out photos of his wound journey if you scroll to the bottom of this page.

***********************************************************************************************************We also want to once again thank our partner vets at PVH, CMVS and Eagleview for all of your medical help and advice. As well as our current fosters, for all your hard work and love.

My Story:

Rocco came into our care at the end of June after his wound deteriorated at his home. He was very well loved but the injury was no longer manageable.

Rocco is a special boy who deserves a chance. We are all fighting and cheering for him and appreciate everyone’s support so far. – medical costs – medication, bandages & aftercare – and frequent recheck appointments



Contact us

We want to hear from you! We are a very small team and unlike other shelters we operate by appointment only. Because staff is often busy with the animals and away from the phone, email is the recommended way to get in touch with us.

Thanks for submitting!


8014 Nesters Rd, Whistler, BC V8E 0G4


PO Box 274, Whistler, BC, V0N 1B0


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WAG is open by appointment only.


We apologise for any inconvience but we are unable to accomodate walk ins to meet our animals.

WAG is a non-profit charity with limited staffing resources. Our small, hard working team is always caring for our animals. We are available 365 days a year for all scheduled appointments.

© 2024 Whistler Animals Galore.  Website by Lou O'Brien Creative

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