Ashley worked hard as a sled dog her whole life! She retired, and was living at a kennel with many other dogs. As she got older, however, kennel life became too tough for this old girl. She needed a good bath, a warm indoors, and regular treatment and medication for her skin infection, arthritis, and incontinence. WAG was able to take her on and help her find a very special forever home – one that would look past her age and medical conditions and into her heart. Most senior dogs are left waiting in shelter for weeks, if not months, for that special someone. Ashley was lucky. She found her guardian angel only a couple weeks after coming to WAG! She is now enjoying her retirement in true luxury, spending her days with k9 siblings to keep her busy, and a doting new mom, dedicated to her every need! She loves the indoors, hanging out with her new family, and her soft beds.
WAG would like to take a moment to thank anyone who took a chance on welcoming a senior dog into their hearts and homes!
