Breed: Poodle mix
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Size: Small
Energy Level: Medium Training Goals: Socialization and basic training House trained? Working on it! Kids? Potentially older kids in a calm home Cats? Unknown Dogs? Potentially with proper supervision & separation Medical Needs: dental work if needed & dental checkups, then yearly check veterinary appointments
About Me:
Hi I’m Honey!
I am new at WAG having arrived only last week. I was nervous and fearful of my new environment at first, but soon became friends with my new caretakers. I haven’t properly met any of the other shelter residents yet as the staff are still getting to know me and my ways. I’m sure my profile will be updated as they learn more.
What they do know, they have fallen in love with. I am ADORABLE and love to sit on their laps in reception whilst they work away on the computer trying to get us all adopted! I previously didn’t have a lot of outdoor adventures so I am still getting used to life and exploring outside in the big wide world.
I am good at walking on leash and have been very brave. I am only teeny tiny compared to all the other dogs here, but I love to run around in the big grassy yard and steal all of their giant toys for myself. I am pretty agile and can be crafty at trying to escape my kennel…..the staff have had redesign the set up just for me as I am able to squeeze through the bars! And, as you can see, I have a beautiful underbite smile, something which is being looked into as I may need some dental work in the near future, I will know more about that soon. I’ve also been told to put on some pounds; I really like food and treats so I don’t think that will be a problem for me! I’ve already had a bit of a makeover this week, as my fur had got PRETTY long. Now I am just PRETTY CUTE, even if I do say it myself and I look tons younger.
I am working on my toilet training, and am tolerating being brushed/ trimmed/ bubble bathed at the WAG Spa as long as I get lots of hot dogs in return. I would like a calm home with a family able to give me lots of love, fun and socializing at my own pace. Some new things can make me a bit afraid and unsure and I need my family to be understanding that they’ll need to work with me during this big life change and give me time to adjust. A trainer may be useful to give me a good foundation as I learn!
– A family with patience and understanding that a lot of things are new to me, I may need time to adjust to my new surroundings – Eager to learn more about dog body language so you can understand what I’m communicating to you! – Be ready for the 10+ year commitment APPLY FOR HONEY!
My Story:
I was surrendered to WAG from a loving family in late July. They knew that WAG would be able to find me a home that I would thrive in and would get me the medical care that I needed to improve my health. I am one of three new critical care cases. DONATE TO WAG! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.