Breed: Shepherd Terrier Mix?
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown – approx. 6-9 months old
Size: Small (currently under 10kg and on a plan to gain weight)
Energy Level: medium, may increase as I become healthier and gain confidence Training Goals: settling into a new home, getting used to a more urban environment, basic training House trained? Currently using pee pads Kids? Unknown. Potentially with proper socialisation, supervision and separation. Cats? Unknown. Potentially with proper socialisation, supervision and separation Dogs? Unknown. Potentially with proper socialisation, supervision and separation Medical Needs: Strengthening my hind legs and anything else recommended by the vet. Getting neutered when I’m ready.
About Me:
Hi I’m Gurgi (pronounced Gur-gee) and I am at the beginning of my journey at WAG. I was brought in by a concerned citizen who had been keeping an eye on me for a few days whilst looking for my owners. When I arrived the staff noticed that I was underweight and really itchy, as well as having some questions about my gait and movement. I had lots of loose poops and a distended belly so have been treated for worms and fleas, given a bath, ear clean and a nail trim to help me feel better. I’ve been to see WAG’s partner Vets who advised that even though I may look like a young puppy – I actually have all my adult teeth so I’m likely to be between 6 and 9 months old. My teeth are not in a good condition so I will require a professional dental cleaning and one extraction to improve them. I’m a goofy little guy, check out the photos below of my big webbed front paws which can trip me up at times, alongside my turned out hind legs, which are getting stronger! For now – the Vets recommend a high quality diet and daily probiotics. It is not yet known if my hind legs will continue to improve with diet, exercise and care, or if there is something more worrying going on with me. I am getting stronger every day and have already received some vaccinations. I’ll eventually get neutered, too. At the moment, I am enjoying getting to know the humans at WAG and am practising wearing a harness and leash for exploring. I have a lot to learn but I am eager to be taught. Little is known about my life prior but it seems that everything is quite new to me. I’ve started to show off my endearing personality and my playful puppy side around my new friends. They say I am a sweetheart and ever so friendly despite the challenging start I had in life.
Luckily I am being given a second chance via WAG’s Critical Care Program. This fund (made possible via donations from their generous supporters) enables WAG to help those who require additional medical care and resources. If you are in a position to do so – please consider donating today!
Now that I have a plan in action for my health – what I REALLY need next is a stable home committed to me and ready to give me a life with love and adventure for the rest of my years. I would so love a family who will be proactive with my health and understanding of my challenged beginning. Some basic training with a WAG-approved positive reinforcement trainer would be beneficial while I learn new skills and transition into my new life. I will need a family who will be patient, kind, understanding and able to take on a dog who may have special needs, my profile will be updated as WAG learn more. APPLY FOR GURGI!
A family -with a lot of love to give me and who will keep me safe for the rest of my life -who will keep my health in mind and be proactive with my medical care, whatever that may include moving forward. This may include rehabilitation of my legs, depending on how I get on these next few months. Of course as well as yearly checkups as standard, caring for me after my neuter surgery and so on -who is willing to take a couple of trips to WAG to get to know me before taking me home. I have had a lot of changes recently and am a little unsure -who understands that a lot of things are new to me, I will need time to adjust to my new surroundings and learn all of the things that puppies need to know to do well in life! -who will be proactive with my training, using a WAG approved trainer that will help me continue to gain confidence and give my family the tools they will need -who understands that if I am expected to live with resident dogs, cats or children, that introductions must be taken slowly to make sure I am comfortable and kept safe -who might have a safe & secured yard as a bonus for morning zoomies! If not, they are okay with using a long line to allow freedom but keep me safe -who will love me forever no matter what, quirks and all! I am a special boy and my future mobility may not be as per a typical pup, but I am learning and growing stronger
My Story:
I came to WAG as a stray via a concerned citizen who had noticed me on my own and wanted to get me the medical attention and care I clearly needed. I was taken to the vet and am working on getting healthy and finding my forever family who will keep me safe for the rest of my life.
If you are not in a position to adopt but would like to support WAG, please consider donating to our Critical Care Program so Gurgi and other animals get the care they need! DONATE TO WAG’S CRITICAL CARE FUND! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.