A night of fun and great music, all in the name of dogs. This fundraiser is a benefit for both CARDA and WAG, and is happening at Moe Joe’s.
On Monday February 13th, Moe Joe’s is hosting a fundraiser to benefit both CARDA and WAG.
For The Love Of Dogs will be an evening of great music , with amazing auction items up for bid. Just $10 for a ticket gets you in the door, and you’ll start your evening off right with a cold Kokanee. After that, you’ll have the opportunity to bid on amazing prizes as Richard Wyne conducts a live auction. Some of the auction items donated so far are: an afternoon at the RCMP firing range where you will learn from Canada’s best how to use a fire arm on targets, an avalanche course donated by Pacific Alpine Institute, an afternoon learning the secrets of how the RCMP train their dogs, Heli skiing and much, much more! The event will run from 8:30 pm – 11 pm, at Moe Joe’s in Whistler. All proceeds go directly to CARDA and WAG. To enquire about tickets, please contact WAG at 604-935-8364.
Join us on facebook at – http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/371475306201935/