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Another amazing year at our 14th Annual K9 Wine and Dine Gala!

WAG would like to recognize and express our gratitude to everyone who made our 14th annual K9 Wine & Dine fundraising gala a huge success! We had another sold out year with over 250 people and 140 dogs attending.

Our special thanks to:

Our partner; The Westin Resort & Spa, Whistler and Regine Brucks, Justine Nichol, Naomi Pitt, Chef Bradley Cumming, Executive Sous-Chef Elliot Brass and their culinary team.

Our liquor sponsors; See Ya Later Ranch and Whistler Brewing Company.

Our K9 menu sponsors; Riverside Café and Catering and Chef Nikita Kornilov, Milestones Grill and Bar Whistler and Chef Bruce Worden, and Sugar Momma Pastries and Chef Sabrina Perfitt.

Our sponsors; Race and Company LLP Lawyers, Eagleview Veterinary Hospital, Earthsave Whistler, and McCoo’s Whistler

Our musical guest: Whistler Harp and Alison Hunter

Jeff Anderson and Dooshi, Sushi for Pets

Denise and Chad Wood

All of our generous donors who contributed to an amazing silent auction.

The photographers and videographers who donated their time and skills to the evening; Eric Poulin Photo, and Dewald Van Der Merwe.

Scotiabank for their continuing support of WAG.

And thanks to all of YOU! Our amazing guests who came out to support this incredible charity.

Total Raised: COMING SOON!


A special thank you to our dedicated volunteers who worked hard to make the evening a success:

Mallory Jensen Tim McGuire Suzie J Kia Garthwaite Sophi Pointu Emma Baker Lewis Robinson Tracy McIntyre Rohan Kehoe Riana Brockette Abby Majendie Kendall Benbow Ryan Murfitt Kia Garthwaite Sophi Pointu Sam Dunbrack Zeljka Worden Karen Krivel Judy Stockton Dewald Van Der Merwe Nikki Wilmot Mary Browning Dawn Minett Megan Wastle Nikki Caswell Leslie Weir Corrinne Susini Katie Brockett Victoria Swayze Kirsten Reinholz Karen Demoe Adam Adams Nial Morris Kimiko Taguchi

Click HERE for red carpet photos, doggy close ups, photo booth, and more!

See you next year!


Contact us

We want to hear from you! We are a very small team and unlike other shelters we operate by appointment only. Because staff is often busy with the animals and away from the phone, email is the recommended way to get in touch with us.

Thanks for submitting!


8014 Nesters Rd, Whistler, BC V8E 0G4


PO Box 274, Whistler, BC, V0N 1B0


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WAG is open by appointment only.


We apologise for any inconvience but we are unable to accomodate walk ins to meet our animals.

WAG is a non-profit charity with limited staffing resources. Our small, hard working team is always caring for our animals. We are available 365 days a year for all scheduled appointments.

© 2024 Whistler Animals Galore.  Website by Lou O'Brien Creative

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