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10th Annual K9 Wine & Dine

On September 29th, 2012, Whistler Animals Galore Society is hosting their 10th annual fundraiser, K9 Wine and Dine and Charity Auction in Whistler. The event is extremely popular, attracting people from Vancouver, Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton, and receives excitement from press and radio within the sea to sky corridor!

Presented in part by the North Shore Credit Union, it is always a community favourite.  Dogs and their families, dining together, to help better the lives of homelss dogs and cats in their community, while enjoying a fun evening of dining and a silent and live auction!

Our wonderful canines are served a 3 course meal of Yappatizers, homemade Meat Loaf finished with a secret blend called Pinot Growlio, then as the grand finale, they are brought a Pupcake for dessert.

After our furry friends finish their meals, our WAG volunteers hold the dogs while the forever people meander up to a fabulous buffet put on by the Chef at the Hilton Whistler.  They are supplied with red and white wine to enjoy with this incredible dinner.

WAG is an independent shelter whom relies on donations and fundraising events to allow them to assist the cats and dogs in Whistler and the within the Sea to Sky Corridor.  It is thanks to the amazing support received from our community and all over B.C. that we are able to be a leader in animal welfare in our community.

All proceeds from the auction will be donated to WAG.  All businesses that donate will be thanked at the event, in local papers, on our website and through social media.

Keep in the loop on this event and more with WAG’s Newsletter!


Contact us

We want to hear from you! We are a very small team and unlike other shelters we operate by appointment only. Because staff is often busy with the animals and away from the phone, email is the recommended way to get in touch with us.

Thanks for submitting!


8014 Nesters Rd, Whistler, BC V8E 0G4


PO Box 274, Whistler, BC, V0N 1B0


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WAG is open by appointment only.


We apologise for any inconvience but we are unable to accomodate walk ins to meet our animals.

WAG is a non-profit charity with limited staffing resources. Our small, hard working team is always caring for our animals. We are available 365 days a year for all scheduled appointments.

© 2024 Whistler Animals Galore.  Website by Lou O'Brien Creative

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