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Foster Application Form

Foster homes save lives! Thank you for considering becoming a WAG foster home.


Every animal in our care receives assessments to understand their unique needs. While not all animals are suitable for fostering, our foster program carefully selects candidates and matches them with loving foster homes.


Foster homes offer a safe and nurturing environment where animals can decompress, learn skills and find some joy while awaiting their forever families.


Each animal is special and may require different types of care. While many may need a calm environment without other animals or roommates and children, others may enjoy the company of kids and pets and simply prefer a home over a kennel.


Our dedicated staff work diligently to match animals with suitable homes, providing resources, training, supplies, and ongoing support to help them thrive in a foster environment.


We're here to debunk the myth that you need to own a home or have a fenced yard to foster or adopt. The most important qualities we look for in foster homes are reliability, understanding, willingness to learn, and the ability to show kindness and patience to animals in need, whether they're adjusting to a home for the first time, have experienced abuse, or are elderly or sick.  Our foster program’s number one priority is the safety, and wellbeing of our animals. Thank you for considering opening your heart to fostering!

Please indicate the type of animals you are able to foster (check all that apply):
Are you currently able to foster?

Please keep in mind that processing foster applications takes time for our small team. We kindly ask that you only submit a form when you are available to foster. Thank you for your understanding!

Do you own your own home?
Are there any children in the home?
Are there any other animal in the home?
Do you have yard space?
Do you have stairs required to acess you home?

Thank you for getting in touch! We look forward to connecting with you regarding fostering opportunities.

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