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Foster program

Do you have the space in your home and the compassion in your heart to provide temporary care for a cat or dog in need? If you possess patience and dedication, we invite you to consider fostering!

Each animal under our care undergoes a thorough assessment to determine their specific needs. While not all animals may be suitable for fostering, our foster program carefully selects candidates and pairs them with a suitable foster home. These homes offer a safe and nurturing environment for animals as they await their forever families. It's crucial to remember that the primary goal of fostering is to ensure the happiness of the animal and enhance their adoptability.

Our ideal foster homes possess the following qualities:

A serene and calm home in Whistler (or Squamish/Pemberton when required) with 1-2 people.

The consideration of having other animals in the house will be evaluated on an individual basis

Access to a fenced yard or nearby trails

Willingness to regularly provide photos, health updates and behavioral information

Preferably offering full-time foster care to establish routines for the animals, aiding in shelter management and intake plans

Love, time, and patience for our animals

Landlord approval

Availability of transport for vet appointments, adoption meetings, spaying/neutering, etc.

Capability to administer medications and follow post-surgery instructions if necessary

A consistant work schedule with flexibility aligned with WAG’s operating hours (for meet-and-greets, pick-up/drop-offs, vet appointments, etc.)

Additional information

Be patient

If we currently don't have a suitable animal for fostering, we will retain your application and contact you when a match arises. Thank you for your patience during this waiting period.

Have a pet or children at home?

Applications from homes with children or pets will be held in hope of a match, although these homes are needed less frequently. (Current pets must be up to date with vaccinations and spayed/neutered.)


The option for foster-to-adopt will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

What WAG provide

WAG will provide all necessary supplies such as food, litter, medication, accessories (food/water dishes, beds, toys, leashes, harnesses, litter boxes, etc.), and anything else the animal may require.

If fostering is not feasible, please consider supporting the care of our animals by making a donation through our website!

Medical foster homes

WAG is actively seeking dedicated long-term medical foster homes!


To give these animals the second chance they deserve, the key ingredient is a committed foster family. Critical care animals can face challenges in shelter environments, despite our team's best efforts. A devoted foster home can make a significant difference, enabling these animals to thrive, overcome the odds, and eventually lead joyful lives in their forever homes!

If fostering is not an option for you, please SHARE and help us connect with a medical foster home capable of providing the care needed to save a life!
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