ADOPTION INFORMATION Are you planning on any of the following in the next month? *
Why do you want this animal? Please check all that apply: *
Please explain your reasons...
Living Arrangements: Do you own or rent? *
Do you have Canadian Residency? *
Does your residence have a strata? *
Do your strata bylaws allow pets? *
Are there any children in the home? *
Are there any visiting children? *
Do you currently have any other pets? *
Please provide details including species, breed, gender, age, spayed/neutered, vaccine status and where obtained...
How do you feel they will adjust to a new animal in the house?
Have you had pets before? *
Please provide details including species, breed, gender, age, spayed/neutered, vaccine status and where obtained and what happened to them? (e.g. deceased, rehomed...)
How would you describe your household? (e.g. loud, busy, quiet...)
How busy is your household?
What role will this cat play in your family/household?
What do you believe are the most important responsibilities involved in caring for a cat?
How many hours per week do you plan to spend exercising, grooming, playing with, and caring for this cat?
If you are adopting as a couple and your current relationship changes, there is a serious illness or death, with whom will the cat remain, please explain...
Where will this cat stay while you are on vacation?
If you move during your cat’s lifetime, what will happen to the cat?
Please list the estimated annual expenses involved in caring for this animal
Have you looked into pet insurance? *
Have you looked into local vets for your new animal? *
Are you prepared to cover any vet expenses this pet may incur throughout its life? Is there a limit? How much is too much?
What challenges do you anticipate in helping this animal adjust to its new life? Remember, we are here to help with the adjustment process.
Is there cat related behaviour that would be unacceptable to you?
If the cat clawed the furniture, what would you do?
Have you adopted from WAG in the past? *
Have you surrendered or given away a pet before? *
Please provide more information...
Have you ever been charged with neglect or cruelty to animals? *
Are you familiar with your local animal control bylaws relating to cats? *
Do you have any concerns about adopting?
Which of the following would force you to give up your cat? *
Please explain your reasons...
Are you open to potentially adopting another cat (based on our expert recommendations) if this one is not the right match? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your application to adopt?
REFERENCES Reference 1: Name, Organisation, Relationship to you, Contact Number
Reference 2: Name, Organisation, Relationship to you, Contact Number
I certify that all of the information contained within this application is correct and reflects my true beliefs and intentions regarding caring for this cat. I understand that any misrepresentation of the truth in this application will invalidate any subsequent adoption agreement and give WAG the right to reclaim the cat.
By ticking this box I confirm that I understand that completing and submitting this application does not guarantee me approval for adoption of a WAG cat. WAG reserves the right to refuse any application for any reason.
Thank you for getting in touch! We look forward to connecting with you regarding adoption opportunities.